
Laplacian mechanism is a standard mechanism that guarantees $(\epsilon)$-DP. It a good and easy study case to if one need to get a first glance on how DP analysis is done. Before formally presenting Laplacian mechanism, we can start from a simple example:

A Practical Example

Mean with DP

Suppose System in the figure above is a Mean function as

[ f (D) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^N x^i ]

If $D$ and $D’$ differ on one record, their means are also different. From an attacker’s view, it is easy to decide if a record $x^k$ comes from $D$ or $D’$:

The attacker can replace each record in $D$ and $D’$ with $x^k$, and check the output from Mean function. If there exists one record in $D$ such that output does not change when replaced by $x^k$, then $x^k$ is in $D$. Otherwise, $x^k$ is in $D’$

Therefore, we can see that the attacker can success because the Mean op is a deterministic function. Any small changes in inputs will be observed by the attacker. If we can introduce some randomness in the operation, then the attacker will not be able decided if changes in outputs comes from inputs or random noise. That is exactly where DP comes from.

Laplacian Mechanism

L1-sensitivity: We use L1 distance to measure how close $D$ and $D’$ are, which is defined as

[ \Delta_1 = \max_{D, D’} | f(D) - f(D’) | ]

where $D’$ can be any data with only record differs from $D$.

Laplacian Mechanism: For a function $f: D \rightarrow R^d$, a Laplace mechanism

[ M(D) = f(D) + (n^1, \cdots, n^d ) ]

is $(\epsilon)$-DP if $n^i$ are independent $Laplace(\Delta_1/\epsilon)$ random variables.

We provide the proof below.


To simplify notations, let $z\in R^d$ denote output from $M$.

The probability density function of $z$ given $D$ and $D’$ are

[ P(M(D)=z) = P(n=z-f(D)) = \prod_{i=1}^d e^{(-\frac{\epsilon | f(D)^i -z^i|}{\Delta_1})} ]

[ P(M(D’)=z) = P(n=z-f(D’)) = \prod_{i=1}^d e^{(-\frac{\epsilon | f(D’)^i -z^i|}{\Delta_1})} ]

Taking the division, we have

[ \frac{P(M(D)=z)}{P(M(D’)=z)} = \prod_{i=1}^d e^{-\frac{\epsilon (| f(\mathcal{D})^i -z^i| -| f(D’)^i -z^i|)}{\Delta_1}} ]

Applying the triangle inequality, we have

[ \frac{P(M(D)=z)}{P(M(D’)=z)} \leq \prod_{i=1}^d e^{\frac{\epsilon (| f(D)^i - f(D’)^i|)}{\Delta_1}} ]

[ = e^{(\frac{\epsilon\sum_{i=1}^d |f(D)^i - f(D’)^i| }{\Delta_1})} ]

[ = e^{(\frac{\epsilon |f(D) - f(D’)|_1 }{\Delta_1})} ]

[ \leq e^{\epsilon} ]


We can easily observe that given the same privacy budget $\epsilon$, large noise is needed if $D$ and $D’$ are further different (large $\Delta_1$).